El blog de Woodsman

My Songs

Set for Life · (song)

Set for Life · (song)
For Denise
Set For Life
Many times I thought it rhymed,
I even wrote in stone.
It seemed robust,
But then turned to dust, 
I found myself alone. 
And then you land, 
You take my hand, 
Show me the point of life. 
I look at you,
It all comes true, 
I know I’m set for life. 
Searched for love, 
Yet found its moon. 
I thought I’d turned immune. 
Playful fate! It made me wait
To hear the perfect tune. 
And so you land, 
You take my hand, 
Show me the point of life. 
I look at you, 
It all comes true, 
I know I’m set for life. 
It makes no sense
To build a fence. 
I don’t fear the future tense. 
Let’s abandon all pretense. 
I know I’m set for life.  

Goodbye, Blue Eyes · (Song)

Goodbye, Blue Eyes  ·  (Song)
 For Anna, who taught me the true meaning of friendship. 
 Goodbye, Blue Eyes
Words missing, 
My heart is wishing you could stay. 
So many things to say
Before you leave my side. 
I want to thank you for the ride, 
Thank for your smile, 
Thank you for the memories. 
Blue Eyes, 
You filled my days with wonder, 
You bore my many blunders, 
You kicked my ass at listening, 
And always, you were there,
And you showed that you cared, 
And many things we shared. 
You gave me peace and then stole it. 
Games, sunshine, 
And songs of mine, 
And, my friend, you fall asleep again,
We chat, we muse on life.
How I wish it could last!  
This summer went so fast.
I dread the day when you’ll be gone.
Blue Eyes, 
You filled my days with wonder, 
You bore my many blunders, 
You kicked my ass at listening, 
And always, you were there,
And you showed that you cared, 
And many things we shared. 
You gave me peace and then stole it. 
You gave me peace, and then stole it.  

Fuego Cruzado

Fuego Cruzado


Not a single hit.
Yet, we all lay, wounded.
I tend to those who shot me,
Neglect the ones I could heal.
Do we ever choose
Or do we just feel?

TIRED (my sixth SONG)

TIRED  (my sixth SONG) TIRED

Time flies by
A few bystanders have waved goodbye,
It took me time to realize
There’s a price.

She said: "cry all you want",
She changed the document, switched the font,
She dragged me far away from shore
And closed the door.

And I grew tired,
I felt tired.
It didn’t help to ache.
I made the same mistakes
When I met you.

I’m losing this race,
And there’s no use in gaining pace.
I ventured far, ignored my chores,
And lost my course.

Yet I feel blood in my veins .
I say to myself: "are you insane?"
But I can’t help to fall again
For you.

And I grow tired,
I feel tired.
It doesn’t help to ache.
I wish my sense would wake
And forget you.

Again... para el que quiera escuchar...

Lo prometido es deuda. Aquí está mi segunda canción. A quien le apetezca escucharla que haga click aquí y luego, en la página siguiente, que haga click en la flecha que hay debajo de la palabra "download", junto a donde pone "So... quiet". La he grabado a toda prisa, en plan cutre con mi videocámara y he convertido el sonido a formato mp3 para que os la podáis descargar, así que la calidad del sonido deja bastante que desear, igual que la anterior canción.

A quien que le apetezca escuchar mi canción...

Aquí tenéis mi opera prima musical. A quien le apetezca escucharla que haga click aquí y luego, en la página siguiente, que haga click en la flecha que hay debajo de la palabra "download". La he grabado así en plan cutre con mi videocámara y he convertido el sonido a formato mp3 para que os la podáis descargar, así que la calidad del sonido deja bastante que desear.

Y sí... el que canta y toca la guitarra, soy yo.